Banjo Primer Book for Beginners Deluxe Edition with DVD & 2 Jam CDs by Geoff Hohwald was written for the beginning student who wants to learn how to play Scruggs style 5 string bluegrass banjo technique. This course starts off with beginner basics like parts of the banjo, tuning, how to read tabs, and simple rolls. We'll then move on to learn some easy to play song arrangements along with up the neck breaks to classic bluegrass songs. These beginner lessons feature step by step instruction that can be used to teach individuals or groups. After learning basic techniques, the course functions as a bluegrass songbook. The included DVD provides video instruction on each exercise and let's you see and hear all songs at 3 speeds - very slow (for learning), medium tempo (for practicing), and uptempo (performance speed). The two Jam Track CDs play all of the songs at five speeds with a bluegrass band. This time tested banjo method will help you learn how to play today!